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The AIPP Decathlon

2017 Nov 09, 2020

iPhone photo (of course!) taken by an AIPP member

I recently talked at the AIPP WA Decathlon 2017 about the importance of birth photography! 

For those who don't know, the AIPP are a governing body for photographers and their aim is to champion the profession of photography.

Their 2017 Decathlon event had 10 "champions of photography" speaking for 10 minutes about their chosen genre. I was one of the first ever birth photographers to speak at this event! 

I loved being a representative for birth photography and feel so excited and honoured to be able to talk to a room full of my colleagues.

It was SO incredibly confronting talking to a room full of professional photographers and I had to take a lot of deep breaths to get up there.  But in the end my 10 minutes flew by and I felt like my feet had wings as I walked off the stage.

Afterwards I had a few congratulations from my fellow photographers and even one from the AIPP National President Vittorio Natoli who told me how much my passion for this genre shone through and if only he was needing my services!!! It was a bit of a celebrity moment for me, I don't even think I answered him back, I was too tongue tied!!!


xx Belle

If you're interested in hearing more, have a look through the list of AIPP Events in WA


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